Monday, August 31, 2009

Mr. Fuller

tomorrow is my last first day of school at parsons. time to start up that thinkin' learnin' machine.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

If you're into horses...

My childhood friend Mimi has a very cute blog about all sorts o' equestrian things.

Games & Hares

Well I went off again. Seattle and Los Angeles. I think I told you before? But now I am back for a good long while and enjoying this last month of summer before school starts up again. It will be my last year and then I suppose I'm supposed to make something of myself? We'll see...

Playing Settlers of Cattan in Toby's kitchen. I was getting closer look and it did nothing. I can be sure buttttt I think I lost.
(photo from a lovely seattle lady and new friend Ally)

Before I left I did this drawing for my friend Reese (dragon dagger) who now owns the lovely bead store he works in. It is now called Wild Hare. If you're ever in Norman, Oklahoma you should go there and make some pretty things and become friends with one of the greatest people on this side of the world. I very much like the drawing and hope you do too..

sorry it's a bit of an unattractive scan!